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Sleeping Advice, the Real Way

According to studies taken around the United States and collected by, your sleep schedule matters tremendously. From the studies, it shows people can notice how their sleep schedule effects them in combination with the position they wake up in and how one's body feels after waking up too. A sleep schedule is critical. Your body needs to be consistent to ensure that it, in turn, stays roughly the same throughout the year. A sleep schedule is also important because it sets windows for when you have to get things done, further ensuring that you maintain an internal clock in your body. You may notice how you wake up in a different position from when you went to sleep. According to these studies, your body moves throughout the night to ensure the most optimal position to get a good night’s rest. Studies suggest that if you want a good night's sleep than you should sleep in the position that you last woke up in. The way you sleep also can show things about your body. When somebody slept on their side, there was a tendency to wake up with pains or nausea. A person should find several keys factors that affect them to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Now, how can we even apply these things to our daily lives? As the website suggests, we should record our sleeping habits and work from there. If something is wrong with our bodies because of our sleep, it is said to be an easy fix. I then saw how I would be able to apply these things to my life. In my experience, I recognized the patterns that occurred when I would sleep to make sure that I could be energetic and healthy for the time to come.

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