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First Year Senior- A Football Story

Before moving to Fremont, I had no previous experience with joining a team and doing an activity. This is my first year participating in football, and I have no idea what I am doing. It's a weird experience to join something so big at our school, with practically no experience, but it has become a big part of my life during my senior year. It is a fun new experience that I am going through. I am excited that I'm doing something else this year.

The reason I decided to join football my senior year, despite not knowing anything about football before, is because I got peer pressured into doing it. Oddly enough this is the same reason that I have joined activities I'm in currently. All the activities that I’m a part of I really enjoy mainly because of how new and exciting they are. I usually would just try and avoid doing anything school related, but now that I’m in them I really enjoy them. It's a new experience being part of the school, but overall it is a really fun experience.

The biggest thing that I've come to notice is the comradery that exist between all the players, it is something really special. The players on and off the field help their problems. I have learned a lot about how football and the way that it affects the people that play it. People are bonded together through the experiences of the game and off the field through team bonding. The players all have a special connection to one another, they look out and protect one another.

Football has a unique place in Bergan because of the amount of people involved and because of the students' enthusiasm playing the sport. The inspirational staff coaching, supporting parents, and the inseparable team really make the game worth it. The spirit that surrounds the game and the people who support it is so intoxicating, it draws you in and makes you want to be a part of it. The people here really do love the game and want to support one another through it all. The connection between players and students is a strong one, they support each other between each sport.

The amount of support for all of the sports is actually amazing, because at my old school in Texas, the amount of support shown to athletes was practically nonexistent. We would only support the football team at pep rallies and that was it. But compared to here, the amount of student support is unbelievable. This game really bonds people together and brings everybody closer together. It's a nice change of pace, and I really enjoy everything that I'm apart of.

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Archbishop Bergan

Catholic High School

Fremont, NE

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