A Week To Remember
This year’s homecoming week felt different, and I think that’s in large part due to the fact that the school’s participation was outstanding. In past years dress-up days were really only done by a small group of people. Either the ideas were too elaborate or they weren’t interesting enough. This year the student council really stepped up their game, and as a result, a great week of themes were established. There was a desire to really participate among my fellow classmates that wasn’t present in our previous years at the highschool.
In my opinion, the junior class absolutely killed it on decade day. To be honest, I thought that with such a unique decade, our class would have a low percentage of participation, but with a little bit of research we were able to come up with some ideas for how we would pull off the 1920s. The fashion didn’t seem to be very diverse back then. In pictures it seemed that a flapper dress for the ladies and a suit for the men was pretty standard, so we went to work. Putting together these outfits really seemed to be a kind of bonding experience for our class. We worked together in ways that we hadn’t before, and as a result, we managed to embody the spirit of the 1920s better than I think anyone thought we could.
Elderly day brought with it a wide range of participation, and how successful you were seemed to be based off of how lucky you got at GoodWill. It was hilarious walking into school and seeing all of those who had gone all out. I thought the funniest part was hearing the squeek of Emma Walz and Lily Bojanski’s decked out canes. I still don’t know how so many kids got a hold of walkers and canes, but they really added to the theme.

Tourist day was an easy one to participate in; throw on a button down with some kakhis and sandals and you’re set. I think that my class, along with all the others, really enjoyed this theme, because the level of participation was high.
Thursday’s formal day was a great one. It allowed everyone to dress up in their best Church attire for the day. These clothes may not have been the most comfortable, by we looked really good. Formal day proved that we all are pretty stylish outside of the uniforms we have to wear everyday.
Friday’s green and gold day was the end to a fantastic week of dressing up. I think that at this point we were all a little bit worn out from the previous three days. Most students dressed up in a bergan shirt and pants of their choice. It wasn’t the most exciting day of the week, but we definately showed some great pride in our school with the wearing of Bergan apparel.
All in all, I think that this year’s homecoming week was one of the best I have been a part of. The students really embraced the themes and had fun with it. School spirit and pride of being a Bergan Knight flowed throughout the hallways.