WHO AM I?!?!?
A new feature of the Knight Watch is for our readers to guess who the teacher is from the picture and clues below. The first reader to respond (via email or in person) will receive a free spirit wear day.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time if you have it?
I enjoy everything about the outdoors from fishing and hunting to golfing and gardening.
What is your biggest fear?
I fear being constantly afraid of being fearful. I also fear being shot. I know that’s weird but I have had several dreams where I die from a gun shot. I have been hit by a bb from a shotgun and did not die so big win!
How long have been working at Bergan?
7 years
What did you think when you first came to Bergan?
I gave myself 5 years to see what would happen. I’m still here. I was excited but nervous as it was my first teaching job.