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Homecoming Rally: Fun on a budget

Began’s annual homecoming pep rally began Thursday, September 28th with the band playing cherished songs and the cheer and dance teams dancing their well-rehearsed routines. There was plenty of spirit vibrating through the gym as students participated in the Bergan fight song.

This year's pep rally was led by Mr. Murman and Mr. Pribnow. Following the theme of "Homecoming on a Budget," fun was had with the activities planned. Mr. Pribnow began by interviewing select athletes to give the student body a chance to hear from their fellow peers on their perspective sport seasons. Tessa Kreikemeier, Kinley Shallberg, Meghan Dahlhauser, and Kolby Boggs spoke to their team's successes and struggles this season.

After the interviews were completed, we recognized student athlete for their excellence on the court. Lexi Langley was congratulated on receiving the Family Fare Athlete of the Week for her 26 kills against Wahoo Neumann earlier in October.

Homecoming candidates were then paired up to compete for gift cards in two games designed by Mr. Murman. First, Nick Burger, Kolby Boggs, and Dylan Kucera tossed marshmallows into a cup placed on their partner's head. Then Aly Dykman, Tessa Kreikemeier, and Mackenzie Peitzmeier tossed cheeseballs in the shaving cream on the boys' heads. Each of these games were timed to see how they could get in under a minute.

The last activity for the pep rally was a competition between the classes and teachers. Each team had four members. The object of the game was to knock down the water bottle using only a tennis ball. However, the tennis ball was placed inside a pair of pantyhose and each member had to place the pantyhose on their heads, swinging the tennis ball to push the water bottle over without using their hands. The winners also received gift cards for this game.

To close the ritual celebration off, the band played the school’s fight song and the audience sang the powerful chorus as the BHS dance team and cheerleaders cheered us on to sing. This year's pep rally fit the theme: Homecoming on a budget. While the budget may have been low, Mr. Murman and Mr. Pribnow helped make this year's pep rally priceless.

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