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Preparing for this year's Big Top, teachers reflect on the annual Knight Event

Every year, Archbishop Bergan Catholic School holds the school’s biggest fundraiser-the Knight Event. Everyone who joins the 2017 Knight Event will enjoy a “Knight Under the Big Top.” It will be the 24th year of holding the Knight event since 1994. It is an amazing event that every student, teacher, faculty member and parent contributes to making the night possible. There are numerous helpers and important people of the event, but I have asked for opinions about the Knight Event from the teachers of the Bergan Knights.

Mr. Nate Pribnow, Chemistry and Mathematics instructor:

What does Knight Event mean to you? “It is a huge fundraiser for our school and makes the tuition affordable for students who attend Bergan. I think it is a great event where teachers, students, and parents all come together to support the school.”

How long have you worked for this school, and how was your experience with the Knight Event changed? “This is my 8th year at Bergan. I started attending the Knight Event couple years after I started working here. It is very amusing to me how the Knight event grew over the past several years. It is definitely an event I look forward to going every year.”

What do you personally contribute to the event? “In the past when I was in charge of a house, I came up with a donation basket for the auction that occurs at the Knight Event, but as a co-house coordinator with Mr. Murman, I help with the set ups and the decorations of the gym.”

Mrs. Judy Miles, Student Services Aide

What does Knight Event mean to you? “I think it means a sense of community where people all come together and put their talents, ideas together voluntarily.”

How long have you worked for Bergan, and do you think the events were significantly different every year? “I have worked at this school for 19 years. Yes, I feel the difference because of the phenomenal job that people do with the themes each year.

Was there any memorable Knight Event for you? “There was a year when they put an enormous American flag in St. Patricks auditorium with Statue of Liberty centerpieces on the tables. “

How did you personally contribute to the Knight Event? “At the very first Knight Event, my husband and I started cleaning up the tables after the event or putting wine on the table. Then, we did silent auction rooms until 2009. In the recent years, I mostly set up the gym for the event.”

What do you think the best part of the Knight Event is? “I think it is how the people work together, the creativity, and how they see this as something very elegant is one of the best parts of the annual event we have at Bergan. Students, teachers, and parents all come together and transform the gym into a whole different place is one of the most incredible things about the Knight Event.”

Mr. Scott Painter, Business and Technology Instructor

What does Knight Event mean to you?​​

“It is a big fundraiser that Bergan hosts to raise a significant amount of money to help with the tuition of the school. Some people come ​to the school to purchase things and eat great food that is served by Bergan students.”

What kind of preparation do you do for the Knight Event?

“ I, as the senior class sponsor, have to get an item for the seatings of the graduation.I always get a senior class picture with a frame that is signed by seniors to be set up at the Knight Event. I also prepare an item for my house too.”

How long have you worked for this school and how has your experience of Knight Event change each year?

“This is my 18th year of working at Bergan, and I'm always amazed by what they can do at the gym. Themes, decorations, new ideas that they come up with and how much it has grown over the past several years is astonishing to me.”

What year was the most memorable year of the Knight Event for you?

“There was a year when that theme was red, white, and blue. All the centerpieces were Statue of Liberty, and there was an American flag on the ceiling which stood out the most to me.”

Do you think the best part of the Knight Event is?

“I think the part where everybody comes together to support the school, guests coming to purchase stuff and enjoy the meal is the best part of the annual event we have in Bergan. The last couple years Ethan and Caleb Villwok did an auction, and I think that was neat too because it personally touched the guests due to them being actual students of Bergan.”

Ms. Haley Mendlik, Spanish instructor

What do you think the Knight Event is? “I think it's a great fundraiser and it shows the support system we have from all of the parents, friends, and family of Bergan Knights contributing to making the school a better place.”

How long have you worked for the school and how has your experience been with the Knight Event? “This is my second year of teaching at Bergan so I last year was my first year of attending the Knight Event but thought it was a very cool event, and I had a lot of fun at the event last year. I think it is a great chance to meet people, see old friends and family as well as supporting the school.”

What do you think the best thing about it is? “ I think all the support from family and friends and gathering all together is the best part of the night event.”

Mrs. Bonnie Nebuda, Student Advancement Director

What does the night event mean to you? “I think the night event is the biggest way of our community coming together as Bergan family.”

What kind of preparation do you do for it? “Our office does a lot from start to finish. it takes months of preparation for the Event from getting the auction book done, lining up the donation to gathering volunteers for the night.”

How long have you worked in the school and did you notice any differences that happened in the Knight Event each year? “I have been working for about five years. I think the family’s participation has gotten bigger and has every year. More parents have been coming to the night event and participated by donating items for the auction. We have encouraged more student volunteers especially starting at the lower grade levels. It used to be seen as the fundraiser for the higher grade levels, but now it is more than that now. It is for the entire school system from preschool to 12th grade.”

What do you think the best part of Knight Event is? “ I think the best part of the event is seeing the event happening after months of preparation with many people’s contribution to help the school. Every year, it turns out very successfully with numerous parents and teachers enjoying the night.”

Mr. Chris Rainforth, School Activities Director and Asst. Principal: What does the night event mean to you? "I think the Knight Event is the biggest and most important fundraiser that Bergan holds every year.”

What kind of preparation do you do for it? “The day before the Knight Event which is Thursday, teachers and staff members help out throughout the building with whatever that needs help such as setting up the tables and chairs.”

How long have you worked in the school and how has your experience been with the Knight Event? “This is my 18th year working at Bergan and my involvement with the event has been similar every year. I usually help with decorating and setting up in the evening the night before the event. I used to help with parking the cars at the night of the Knight Event, and I think that was a pretty neat experience.”

What do you think the best part of the Knight Event is? “ I think the people that come and work together to make the night happen is eh best part of the event. There are so many different things that have to be done from decorating the gym to serving the food, lining up all the donations and auction items. Students, parents, and teachers all come together, transform the gym into a dining hall and making the night happen is the coolest thing of the event.”

Mr. Curtis Marolf, Art instructor:

​​What does the night event mean to you? “I think it is a great event that raises a lot of money for school and helps the cost of education down for the students. It is also the event that a number of students and parents come together and make the night happen to support the school.”

What kind of preparation do you do for the event? “ I usually do the stage design. last year we made a giant cruise ship, and this year we are preparing to make the theme as “Under the Big Top,” like a circus theme. “

How long have you worked in this school and how has your experience of being with the Knight Event? “ It has been 12 years, and I have donated some items with several other teachers. it has been a very fun experience every year attending the actual Knight Event. “

What do you remember the most about the event every year? “There are several parents who come every year to help decorate and set up the gym. They volunteered to do the work and do an incredible job of turning a high school gymnasium into something totally different. Their kids have already graduated, but they keep coming back and contribute their time to make the night happen.”

What do you think the best part of the Knight Event is? “I think the people, who volunteer because they love and want to support the school, is one of the best things of the Knight Event.”

Mr. Joe Wojtkiewicz, Sr. Theology, English, and American History:

What does the night event mean to you? “It is an event for the whole Community to help raise money for Bergen showing and telling people about the school, and the chance for the students to get involved.”

What kind of preparation do you do for it? “I usually help to decorate and help set up the place to be ready for the auction.I used to help set up trays to serve the food or help to park the cars. Nowadays, I help set up the tables and decorations.”

How long have you worked in this school and did you notice any changes that happened every year with the Knight Event? “I have been working at the school for 43 years. I definitely think that it has gotten bigger every year. The themes also change every year which I think that is very incredible. If you walk into the gym or St.Patrick’s auditorium, where the Knight Event used to be, you will never imagine that the place used to be a gym.”

What do you think the best part of Knight Event is? “I think the coming into coming together to support Bergen and show that they appreciate what we are doing and really care about the event is the best part of the Knight Event.”

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