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Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Mendlik

Communication is one of the most essential skills of any human being; it is the essence of our humanity that has allowed us to develop relationships and societies. Each region of the world communicates differently through a plethora of different languages. Ms. Haley Mendlik has always had a fascination in these languages, specifically Spanish. One of the most spoken languages in the world, Spanish is a beautiful language with an emphasis in Central and South America as well as Western Europe.

In her college days, Ms. Mendlik has learned the ins and outs of this language and has even traveled to its regions. Now, however, she has settled at our very own Archbishop Bergan Catholic High School to teach high school Spanish, and I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ms. Mendlik to ask her a few questions.

Where did you attend high school and college? What were your favorite parts about each?

“I attended Skutt Catholic High School in Omaha. I got my undergraduate degree at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

In high school I was on the dance team and made a lot of good friends through that experience. It was probably my favorite part of high school.

In college, it’s hard to choose a favorite thing but I would probably have to say studying abroad. It was my first time doing something completely on my own and a brand new experience.”

Did you always know your calling was to be a teacher? What other careers have you considered?

“I did not know I always wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to either be a dancer on Broadway, be a librarian, or own my grandparents' quilt shop when they retired. Quite the range! I brainstormed about a lot of different things and changed my major a million times in college. I was really close to graduating with a math degree but decided at the last minute that I wanted to focus on Spanish.

Now on your second year, what have your impressions of Bergan been? What are your favorite aspects of teaching here?

“I love Bergan so far and that is definitely because of the people. It’s a very positive environment and I love being able to openly talk about our faith in every part of the day.”

Have you ever traveled abroad? What were your experiences like?

“I lived in Spain for two different summers in Salamanca taking classes. During that time I lived with host families and traveled throughout Spain and Portugal. I lived in Costa Rica for another summer with a host family, but at that time I was doing volunteer work at an elementary school and also at a little turtle clinic. I also did a short two week trip to Peru with a group from UNO.”

Do you have any interesting random facts about yourself that you are willing to share?

“I have four brothers and the youngest two are still in middle and high school. Also, one thing on my bucket list is to visit all 50 states. So far I have been to 21.”

Do you have any pets?

“Yes, I have a dog named Luna. She’s an Australian labradoodle.”

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Archbishop Bergan

Catholic High School

Fremont, NE

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