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Law of Attraction: Myth or Reality?

During one of our many newspaper meetings, we came to see there was a divide between two of our senior writers.

Cade Walker

By definition, according to the New Thought method of philosophical thinking, the Law of Attraction is the idea that by focusing on positive thoughts you have the ability to bring positive experiences into your life.

In and of itself, this idea is nothing more than a process of lying to oneself in an attempt to lessen the severity of negative experiences. By lying to ourselves about how we really feel, we are denying ourselves the right to understand our own feelings and the feelings of others. It is inarguably wisest to understand and feel one’s emotions in their truest form in order to develop and understand our own emotions and the emotions of others. It is through an understanding of human emotion that we are able to form positive relationships with those around us, even if we do not particularly see eye-to-eye with each of them.

With an understanding of true emotions, we are able to notice when others are upset, frightened, happy, or sad. If we are wound up in changing our own emotional understanding, we cannot properly understand the emotions of others, lessening our ability to create and maintain positive human relationships.

Brett Hilbers:

Every day, Matthieu Ricard wakes up in the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal. His home contains no more than a small kitchen, his bed, and a few robes. Matthieu is completely isolated from society and spends each day deprived of electricity. To most, this situation would be Hell, yet Matthieu Ricard is regarded as the “happiest man alive.” The reason for this: the Law of Attraction.

“If you focus on happy aspects of your life, you’ll have happier experiences and vice versa with focusing on the negative.” Such is the basis of the Law of Attraction. Matthieu Ricard is living proof that this law exists. Even though Matthieu lives every day in conditions comparable to poverty, he is still confirmed to be the happiest person alive because of his positive outlook on life. This is something that everyone should learn from. The sooner they learn it, the happier of a life they’ll have. By focusing on the good in our lives, such as friends and family, we can go through a world of struggle, but do so with a determined smile. This is the Law of Attraction at work. One may say, “A positive mindset won’t save me from drowning, so the law doesn’t exist.” This may be true, but as far as I’m concerned, if you wake up every day of your life hating your existence because of your inability to see past struggle, you won’t have much more to look forward to in your life than death itself.

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