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Senior Goodbyes, Junior Hellos

Class of 2018 at prom

As the school year of 2018 begins to come to end, we start to realize some changes that will occur. One of those changes being the farewell to the senior class of 2018 and the junior class preparing to take on the leadership role at Archbishop Bergan. This is one of the biggest changes the school is about to take on, so we sat down with some current seniors and juniors to see what they think about the big change about to take place.

Seniors- What will you miss most about Bergan?

“My classmates because I have been with them since third grade, they are like my family”- Tessa Kreikemeier

“I’m going to miss hanging around all of the kids that I’ve known since the third grade. It’s going to be weird not seeing those faces” - Nick Burger

“High school volleyball and Mrs. P”- Meghan Dahlhauser

“Mr. Wojtkiewicz and Lori McIntyre”- Ali Dykaman

Seniors- What has been the biggest lesson you have learned from your years at Bergan?

“Don't be afraid to try new things because you might end up liking it”- Tessa Kreikemeier

“Endurance is everything”- Cade Walker

“To stay involved and try new things because you'd be surprised by how many people you can meet that you might not have talked to otherwise, even though it’s a small school”- Nick Burger

“Don't get caught up in the small things that won't matter in the end” -Ali Dykman

Seniors- What is one piece of advice you would give to the upcoming seniors?

“Appreciate the time you have left with your classmates and to be a kid because when you enter college, you enter your adulthood and gain a lot of responsibility”- Tessa Kreikemeier

“Don't take a moment for granted because it'll all be over before you know it”- Nick Burger

“Don’t take advantage of the little things”- Meghan Dahlhauser

“Leave your mark”- Ali Dykman

Juniors- What are you most looking forward to for when you become a senior?

“Getting to sit in the front row at prayer service and having open campus”- Grant Frickenstein

“Having a little more freedom throughout the day and getting the chance to play for Bergan one last time”- Lexie Langley

“To having open campus and taking college classes”- Bailey DeGroff

“Being a leader, helping other people, and being a person they can go to if they need help”- Haley Kempf

“The freedom. Being able to leave the school, take college classes, and have seniority among other students.”- Jack Wilmes

Juniors- What are you excited to leave behind in junior year?

“High school Math”- Grant Frickenstein

“The Junior Project”- Lexie Langley, Bailey DeGroff, Haley Kempf, Jack Wilmes

Juniors- What are you going to miss about junior year?

“The seniors and all of the good memories from junior year”- Grant Frickenstein

“Some of the teachers I won’t have next year”- Lexie Langley

“Mr. Vanek and Ms. Clements”- Bailey DeGroff

Juniors- Do you have any fears/or what are you nervous about for senior year?

“Figuring out what I’m going to do with my life and filling out scholarships”- Grant Frickenstein

“I'm scared of the fact that everything will be my last and that I only have one more shot at everything. Also the fact that I'm leaving and I won't be living with my family after senior year”- Lexie Langley

“Taking college classes because I feel like they'll be hard and having my “lasts” in dance”- Bailey DeGroff

“I’m scared of leaving and starting over and leaving all of my friends behind”- Haley Kempf

“That I won't be a good role model for all the little kids watching us”- Jack Wilmes

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