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The ACT: My 101 on the college entrance exam

The ACT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States. The test is different every time you take it, however, there are some tips to improving or getting a high score. Here’s a list of ways you can improve your score on the ACT.

Read- Studies show that students who not only frequently read, but enjoy reading score higher on the ACT. Most of the ACT is based off of reading a stanza and responding to a series of questions. By having a love for reading, you will more likely understand and comprehend the material.

Practice- Even Though all tests are different and never the same, there are ways to build repetition and confidence through questions. The ACT provides practices books, and there are many prep classes. You can also find online tests that give you example questions.

Confidence- A main part of being successful, is building confidence. This test is a big deal, and unfortunately affects your college caliber greatly. Confidence is built through repetition. The more you take the test, the better chance you have to score high.

As previously stated, the ACT is a big deal to colleges. Being able to score high is essential to saving money toward college and getting into a higher caliber college. Depending on your goals, a high ACT score can not only make it more possible, but easier to achieve.

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