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Don't Go Without A Bang

Energy drinks. The latest tool to ensure a sugar high and cardiac arrest. Are they really as bad as everyone thinks though? After countless weeks of research and interviews, I hope this article will explain my discoveries and opinions. To begin, what are the current most popular energy drinks? The top three surveyed energy drinks are Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar. Energy is ultimately marketed to everybody. Workers may prefer the sweet taste over the bitterness of coffee for their boost of energy to get them through the day. College students may rely heavily on energy drinks to ensure a productive all-night study session. And athletes could even use them for enhanced athletic performance. These all sound like positives, and they are, for a short amount of time. Say you are tired and need a pick-me-up. You drive to your local gas station and try to decide between a Red Bull and a Monster. Ultimately, you choose the bigger can which usually is Monster. As soon as you pay and get back to your car, you guzzle the whole thing. Yes, you will have superhuman strength and be able to see through walls for a small time period, but what happens after? A huge crash.

When you were at the gas station, you didn’t look at the serving size on the back. Not only is energy already jam-packed with more sugar than your average pop, but most contain the same amount of sugar as three pops. Imagine drinking three Mountain Dews for your energy source in the morning. So, your so-called “energy boost” has made you even more tired and lethargic after a couple hours. Seems kind of pointless to me. As already stated, there are many negatives to energy drinks. Here’s a list of possible negatives that might persuade you to stay away from energy drinks.

  • Energy drinks are NOT good for exercising. They will dehydrate you by giving you less energy to workout.

  • Can become addicting

  • Causes headaches/Migraines due to withdrawal from caffeine

  • Insomnia: Energy drinks can cause lack of sleep. Too much caffeine will definitely keep you awake.

  • Jitters: Energy drinks can make you jittery and anxious

  • High Blood Pressure: Caffeine can raise a person’s blood pressure.

  • Niacin: One of the main ingredients in Energy Drinks is Niacin. Although it has its benefits, niacin can cause dizziness and rapid heart rate. (From

Drinking energy drinks can already be harmful to your body. But, you can become reliant on them for the quick buzz of energy you receive. Even if you think you aren’t addicted, your body is. Experiencing caffeine withdrawals will cause headaches and ultimately more fatigue than before drinking. Now, with the negatives out of the way, believe it or not, there are positives to energy drinks. Energy drinks give you a good energy boost and quickly pick you up.

  • Vitamin B: improves mood and can fight cancer and heart disease

  • B12: Keeps your red blood cells and nerves healthy. Helps regulate the nervous system and maintain a healthy digestive system.

  • B6: helps the body with cardiovascular, immune and nervous system function

  • Niacin: Helps relieve arthritis pains and lower blood lipids

  • Pantothenic Acid: Helps with allergies, stress, anxiety and skin disorders.

  • Riboflavin: Can treat muscle cramps and blood disorders (From

As you can see, some effects may give you the inclination to go down the path of relying on energy drinks. However, the pros will never outweigh the cons. Energy drinks are an advanced way to receive that boost you need to go through your day. However, there are some alternatives. For example a healthy night of sleep. A healthy night of sleep can help boost productivity and concentration with the extra effect of not as much fatigue. So, now when you burst through the doors of Casey’s at 7:30, you can ask yourself one final question-“Is it worth it?”

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