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Teachers: What Separates the Great from the Good

Can you think of the best teacher you have ever had? What were they like? How did they teach? Which of their actions impacted you the most? Although most students would say their favorite teachers were the ones who didn’t give homework. Yet, doesn’t the real value of a teacher lie in their impact on their students? On their ability to instill knowledge and relate it to everyday life? One of the most significant qualities that make a good teacher is how impactful they are on their students. The best of the best teachers can instill a passion within their students for knowledge. These kinds of teachers make you feel excited to come to their class. They create an environment where learning is fascinating. The next characteristic for a solid educator is the ability to relate to students. A lot of students have had that teacher who “taught” a lesson, but it went completely over their head. Most are left wondering when am I ever going to use this after I graduate? That’s why a teacher that can show you the real world value of what you are learning is so important.

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Archbishop Bergan

Catholic High School

Fremont, NE

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