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The Struggles of Procrastination

Whether you know it or not, you have probably struggled with procrastination. Most people believe that fighting with procrastination only affects a small portion of people, but according to “Procrastination” on Psychology Today and the studies of Dr. Marty Nemko, every person is affected with the "I’ll do it later" mentality when it comes to one task or another. You might think that getting out of this "do it then" rut would be easy to fix, but it is not. Procrastination is a form of addiction. Once somebody becomes a procrastinator, they become fully immersed in its ways. Like all addictions, it is hard to overcome by yourself. The best way to overcome this addition would be with a friend or two that you know doesn’t face the same issue you are currently trying to get over. To address procrastination, you need to find its source. I have learned that like most students, I am a procrastinator and I have had to learn how to deal with it. I took the advice of the pages I have looked at, and I went into a full-on "work" mode. If you follow my advice, you will be able to see how you will not have to worry about procrastination challenging your life or adding unnecessary stress. Another way I learned how to deal with procrastination was to set timers for things I needed to get done, and if I completed my task, the remaining time on the timer would be used to relax. However, if I don’t get my goal completed in the time set, I remove time from my final timer of just relaxing. I would say the timer method has helped me break my procrastination. Procrastination is something that you need to conquer in order to succeed and trust me when I say, I learned that the hard way. Even though you may not want to finish that math assignment or that theology project, just remember the relief you will feel once it is done. Once you see how avoiding procrastination positively affects your life, you will be glad you got that assignment done earlier and not the minute before you walk through the classroom door.

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