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Religious Questions Asked by the Young Answered by the Old "er”

All the questions that are after the following have been asked by individuals in the 7th and 8th grade. The responses given are from the upperclassmen in the high school.

The first question asked was by Megan Stieren, she is an 8th grader. She asked, “Why did Jesus have to die if God had all the power to save our sins?”

It was answered by Preston Ness, 12th Grade. He said, “Jesus died to save our sins because he taught us that we as a whole should know what love is and not be selfish and die for others.”

The second question asked was by Logan Eggen, he is a 7th grader. He asked, “Why is the pope always the person who performs confirmation?”

The question was answered by Zoe Waage, 11th grade. She said, “A bishop actually performs the sacrament of confirmation. They anoint the person with chrism oil and say, “Be sealed with the Holy Spirit.” They perform confirmation because the ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop. In extraordinary circumstances, the bishop may ask the priest to do so. In larger dioceses, the bishop may also ask another bishop or a retired one to do so.”

The third question was asked by Mia Monaghan, she is a 7th grader. She asked, “Why do we not get to God even though others do?”

The question was answered by Lucas Parr, 10th grade. He said, “I’m not sure if I understand her question correctly, but I think It is because [of] how people look at life and how important they view the other people in there lives, and on what level.

The fourth question was asked by Ella Waage, she is an 8th grader. She asked, “Where is the proof God is even real?” This question was actually answered by two people. Garrison Mendlik, a senior, and Alanna Huenniger, a freshman, both gave the question a shot.

Garrison said, “ I don’t think that there is any real, solid proof that God exists. Personally, it comes down to belief. You just have to believe that God exists. There is a reason He is considered a mystery; people must have faith.”

Alanna said, “There is no real proof for God. Many say the bible is proof, as well as miracles. But how do we really know that God exists? No one can prove or disprove the existence of a supreme God. If you try and go searching for proof, good luck because nobody has found real proof that any supreme being truly exists.”

The fifth question was asked by Emerson Knoell, she is a 7th grader. She asked, “Is Jesus like a dad to Joseph even though Joseph was a dad to Jesus? Because isn’t Jesus, the forever dad to everyone including Joseph?”

The question was answered by Kaeden Thomsen, 10th grade. He said, “I feel Jesus was like a dad to Joseph because he taught the word of the lord and I felt like he taught Joseph the word.”

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