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The Danger of Ouija Boards

With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is ready to hop into the spooky season! Kids are ready to dress up as their favorite superheroes and adult are prepared to get an excuse to buy a large amount of candy at the store without feeling judged. What about teens, though? We, unfortunately, are stuck in the years of being too old to trick-or-treat, but too young to want to hand out candy on our own. So, teenagers usually lean toward the spookiest parts of Halloween. Scary movies and haunted houses are among these. These things are harmless and can bring good memories, if not a few nightmares. However, there is one trend that is very common among teens during this holiday season that is not so harmless. Ouija boards. Many teens find themselves using these dangerous boards with no real idea of the severe consequences that follow. The Bible gives very strong warnings against contacting the spirits. Leviticus 19:31 says, “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” and Leviticus 20:6 says, “And the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.” Why would God not want us to contact our dead family and friends? In the Bible, it says that our departed loved ones are supposed to be "sleeping" and actually have no consciousness of those who are living. Therefore, they could not be able to talk to us or respond to our questions. Demons can respond though. Fallen angels are liars and masters of deceit. They are able to disguise themselves as good spirits and those close to us. Once we purposefully open that link of communication with them, even if we don’t actually know it is them, we are in danger of possession and temptation. So, if you are under pressures of friends, or you believe it would be a good time, stay away from Ouija boards. They should not be messed with, and they should not be treated as a toy.

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